This is the amazing Moroccan city of Marrakech. The fact that it sits on a budget airlines route map from my local airport is amazing, mainly because culturally, it is miles apart from anywhere else I have travelled in Europe (Yes, I know it's technically North Africa, but you get my point...)
The arabic graffiti on the streets of town is probably the most noticeable difference from the experiences of my other travels. It really makes you recognize the cultural distance better than anything else.
Shoes & Spices in the Souks. Your senses are pulled in every direction and the whole place is like a maze - I got lost in here for about 3 hours and loved every second of it!
This is a small independent Moroccan cinema run by a charity. I spoke to the man who owns it and he showed me around (without speaking a single word of English!) He even showed me how to change the reel on the projector - fascinating!
Moroccan food is the main memory of Marrakech that will stay with me. Eating outside in the central square close to midnight, in shorts and a vest, in January! Tajine and houmous has now taken its place as my favorite food, however it will never taste the same at home! The food market in the picture is so busy all day and is a real stage show of colour and smell.